Terms & Conditions

Please read carefully before making your booking, thank you:

Dress Code:

Your children should wear clothes that allow them to move easily but not become a trip hazard. Leggings or tracksuit bottoms with a t-shirt and tracksuit top or cardigan is preferable. Wearing layers for warmth at the start then being able to remove items once warm is advisable. Shoes and socks should be removed. However slipper socks with rubber grips can be worn to keep little feet cosy but they must be a good fit. Long hair should be tied back and no jewellery should be worn. Adults should also remove their shoes for the safety of the children.

Code of Conduct:

The children you bring are your responsibility and must be guided and watched by you at all times during the class. During circle time parents/carers should make best attempts to keep children within the circle and not allow them to play on the equipment. If a child becomes distressed by this then please respect the children who wish to join in and sit to one side with your child to watch and let them rejoin when they are ready. Always ensure your child is dressed appropriately for class (see Dress Code above) Use correct and proper language at all times No food or drink to be consumed during the class as it can be a serious choking hazard Children displaying difficult behaviour should be dealt with by the parent/carer in a calm manner but making it clear to the child that the behaviour is not acceptable. If necessary sit on the chairs with your child to enable them chance to calm down and observe the rest of the class, rejoining the other children when your child is ready. Toys must not be carried by children in the class as it will hinder them when climbing and may result in a fall.

Health Issues:

Out of respect for other attendees please do not attend class if you or your child have been affected by a diarrhea and/or vomiting bug unless 48 hours has passed with a clean bill of health.


Places are offered on a first come first served basis and payment in full secures your child a place. Please note, your child's place is not secure until payment has been made. Non-payment could result in your place being offered to another person. We cannot keep unpaid bookings on the system for weeks as it blocks anyone else booking and often people change their mind without informing us they no longer want their place, so please pay upon receipt of your invoice or at very least send an email to inform us when payment can be expected.

Cancellation & Refunds:

Cancellation & Refund Policy Tumble Bees is under no obligation to refund your money or transfer fees in the event you are unable to attend part of or an entire term. We do however try to offer you alternatives to make up for missed classes though this isn't always possible. If you speak to your coach you may be able to attend two classes in one week to make up for lost time, the decision to allow you to attend is at your coaches discretion as we need to ensure safety for everyone without having too many children in one class. If for any reason Tumble Bees cancel a class we will try our best to schedule an additional class or offer a place at a different class. If the class offered is at a different venue there will be no travel expenses offered. The replacement class offered could be on a different day and or time. If we cannot accommodate you or schedule a replacement class then we will issue a credit against your next term. If you are not returning we will refund you via the same payment method you made to us, i.e. if you paid cash we refund cash, if you paid via bank transfer we will refund via bank transfer. If you wish to cancel a future term any time prior to 7 days before the term starts then a full refund will be given. If you cancel within 7 days of the start date then a full refund will be given minus a £20 administration fee. If a term has started Tumble Bees are under no obligation to refund any part of the course fee.